Fire Fighter Telephone. System provides secur and reliable c



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Fire-Lite ECC-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone System

Firelite's ECC-FFT is a Fire Fighter telephone system that provides secure and reliable communications for firefighters. This standalone system is capable of providing annunciation and control for local and remote telephone handsets. It includes a built in display and keypad that provide an indication of phone activation as well as corresponding trouble conditions. For added flexibility, 24 remote telephone connections are offered that can be monitored individually or as a group of multi-phone jacks. The auto-program feature automatically recognizes all existing fire fighter phone jacks on the system and immediately configures the system for full operation and supervision.

The ECC-FFT allows for up to ten users to plug in to a remote telephone jack (FPJ-F) and communicate simultaneously within a building. An onboard SLC circuit (capable of being wired in Class B (Style 4) or Class A (Style 6)) allows for continuous monitoring of the telephone jacks connected to the system. It is housed in a lockable cabinet that includes multiple knockout locations for field wiring.

Typical Applications:
Schools, Healthcare Facilities, Factories, Theaters, Military facilities, Restaurants, Auditoriums, Places of Worship, Office Buildings, Dormitories


  • Provides supervision control and annunciation of up to 24 remote telephone jacks
  • Built-in Auto-program feature
  • Simple and straightforward user interface
  • Telephone circuit supervised with 4.7KΩ, End of line resistor when wired in Style Y, Class B operation
  • Full System status LED display
  • Onboard SLC circuit can be wired for class A (Style 6 or Style 7) or class B (Style 4) configuration
  • Full system status LED display
  • Supports Multi-Phone Jack Audio Circuit supervision
  • Certified for seismic applications
  • Onboard Form-C system trouble relay
  • Allows simultaneous operation of up to 10 Fire Fighter remote handsets (FHS-F when connected to the ECC-FFT)
  • Fire Fighter Phone Jack (FPJ-F provides a plug-in location for the FHS-F)
  • Fire Fighter Handset Cabinet (FHSC-RF/SF) is used to store five Fire Fighter Handsets (FHS-F)

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