System Sensor RTS2 Multi-Signaling Accessory
The System Sensor RTS2 and RTS2-AOS multi-signaling accessories are designed for use with System Sensor InnovairFlex 4-wire conventional duct
smoke detectors only. The accessory has two bicolored LEDs that indicate the
sensor status of up to two connected duct smoke detectors. The key switch
on the unit can be used to select a connected duct detector sensor (either sensor 1 or sensor 2), and the selected sensor can be tested or both sensors can
be reset simultaneously using the test/reset button. LED status indications
include: Standby (green blink), Trouble (amber), Maintenance (amber blink)
and Alarm (red).
- Standby (Green Blink), Trouble (Amber), Maintenance (Amber Blink)
and Alarm (Red) LEDs to indicate detector status
- Keyswitch to select desired sensor, enable test/reset button and
sensitivity reading
- Test/reset button
- Sensitivity reading ability with SENS-RDR (sold separately)
- Selectable continuous or temporal tone
- AOS-Add-On-Strobe (included on RTS2-AOS model)
- Provisions for single- or double-gang box mounting